'; //Write it to the frame TopFrame.document.clear(); TopFrame.document.open(); TopFrame.document.write(OutString); TopFrame.document.close(); } function DisplayExercise(){ //Build the output string var OutString = ''; OutString += ''; OutString += ''; OutString += '
'; OutString += TitleCode; OutString += ''; OutString += NavBar; OutString += '
'; if (WordBox.length > 0){ OutString += WordBox; } OutString += ''; OutString += BuiltCloze; OutString += '
'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);} //Write it to the frame BottomFrame.document.clear(); BottomFrame.document.open(); BottomFrame.document.write(OutString); BottomFrame.document.close(); } function ShowClue(ItemNum){ //alert(ItemNum); State[ItemNum][0] = 1; WriteFeedback(I[ItemNum][2]); } function SaveCurrentAnswers(){ for (var i=0; i-1){ FirstBit = InString.substring(0, i); LastBit = InString.substring(i + Token.length, InString.length); InString = FirstBit + Replacement + LastBit; i = InString.indexOf(Token); } return InString; } I = new Array(); I[0] = new Array(); I[0][1] = new Array(); I[0][1][0] = new Array(); I[0][1][0][0]='delta'; I[0][2]=''; I[1] = new Array(); I[1][1] = new Array(); I[1][1][0] = new Array(); I[1][1][0][0]='Ganges'; I[1][2]=''; I[2] = new Array(); I[2][1] = new Array(); I[2][1][0] = new Array(); I[2][1][0][0]='silt'; I[2][2]=''; I[3] = new Array(); I[3][1] = new Array(); I[3][1][0] = new Array(); I[3][1][0][0]='10'; I[3][1][1] = new Array(); I[3][1][1][0]='ten'; I[3][2]=''; I[4] = new Array(); I[4][1] = new Array(); I[4][1][0] = new Array(); I[4][1][0][0]='east'; I[4][1][1] = new Array(); I[4][1][1][0]='East'; I[4][2]=''; I[5] = new Array(); I[5][1] = new Array(); I[5][1][0] = new Array(); I[5][1][0][0]='flood'; I[5][2]=''; I[6] = new Array(); I[6][1] = new Array(); I[6][1][0] = new Array(); I[6][1][0][0]='monsoon'; I[6][2]=''; I[7] = new Array(); I[7][1] = new Array(); I[7][1][0] = new Array(); I[7][1][0][0]='basin'; I[7][2]=''; I[8] = new Array(); I[8][1] = new Array(); I[8][1][0] = new Array(); I[8][1][0][0]='Himalaya'; I[8][2]=''; I[9] = new Array(); I[9][1] = new Array(); I[9][1][0] = new Array(); I[9][1][0][0]='Deforestation'; I[9][1][1] = new Array(); I[9][1][1][0]='De-forestation'; I[9][2]=''; I[10] = new Array(); I[10][1] = new Array(); I[10][1][0] = new Array(); I[10][1][0][0]='winds'; I[10][1][1] = new Array(); I[10][1][1][0]='wind'; I[10][2]=''; I[11] = new Array(); I[11][1] = new Array(); I[11][1][0] = new Array(); I[11][1][0][0]='rains'; I[11][1][1] = new Array(); I[11][1][1][0]='rain'; I[11][2]=''; I[12] = new Array(); I[12][1] = new Array(); I[12][1][0] = new Array(); I[12][1][0][0]='80%'; I[12][2]=''; I[13] = new Array(); I[13][1] = new Array(); I[13][1][0] = new Array(); I[13][1][0][0]='rice'; I[13][2]=''; I[14] = new Array(); I[14][1] = new Array(); I[14][1][0] = new Array(); I[14][1][0][0]='silt'; I[14][2]=''; I[15] = new Array(); I[15][1] = new Array(); I[15][1][0] = new Array(); I[15][1][0][0]='stilts'; I[15][2]=''; I[16] = new Array(); I[16][1] = new Array(); I[16][1][0] = new Array(); I[16][1][0][0]='destroyed'; I[16][2]=''; Text = new Array(); Text[0]='Bangladesh is a flat country on the '; Text[1]=' of three large rivers: The '; Text[2]=', the Brahmaputra and the Mehtna. The '; Text[3]=' that these three rivers have deposited in the delta means that Bangladesh is a very fertile country. However, the low level of the land means that the country is prone to flooding. 75% of Bangladesh is at or below just '; Text[4]=' metres in height. This plain makes up the majority of Bangladesh. Although, there are some hills in the south-east of the country. The '; Text[5]=' of the country contains thick forest.

The low land of the Bangladesh delta makes it easy for it to '; Text[6]='. There are two main reasons why this can occur: Rivers overflowing and '; Text[7]=' rains. Interestingly, both of these events happen many hundreds or even thousands of miles away from Bangladesh and there is very little that Bangladesh can do to prevent them from happening.

When a river is carrying too much water, it overflows and floods the surrounding countryside. The Bangladesh delta lies at the end of a very large river '; Text[8]='. If too much water falls anywhere in this system, it is likely that Bangladesh will feel the results. So, if too much snow melts in the '; Text[9]=' mountains or if it rains too hard there, that water will ultimately find its way to Bangladesh. '; Text[10]=' between the Himalaya mountains and Bangladesh has made the situation even worse. There are less and less trees and vegetation to soak up the excess water and prevent it from reaching the Bangladesh delta.

Monsoon rains are the other factor that causes flooding in Bangladesh. A monsoon means a major shift in the direction of the '; Text[11]='. From October to April, the winds blow from the North-East. However, from April to October they blow from the South-West. These summer winds bring heavy '; Text[12]=' with them. Usually, they bring over '; Text[13]=' of Bangladesh\'s total rainfall with them. Bangladeshi agriculture requires a great deal of water especially for the '; Text[14]=' crops. Limited flooding is also good for the farmers as it leaves '; Text[15]=' deposits which are rich in nutrients and minerals on the land. It is for this reason that so many farmers live in houses with '; Text[16]='. However, it is impossible to control the amount of flooding that takes place, if the rains are too heavy, the houses of many hundreds of thousands of people are at risk. Also, the crops will be '; Text[17]='. It is a fine line between flooding being a benefit or a catastrophe to the people of Bangladesh.'; State = new Array(); function StartUp(){ var i = 0; State.length = 0; for (i=0; i -1){ var TotalChars = GetGapValue(i).length; State[i][3] = (TotalChars-State[i][1])/TotalChars; if (State[i][0] > 0){State[i][3] = State[i][3]/2;} if (State[i][3]<0){State[i][3] = 0;} State[i][4] = 1; } else{ //Otherwise, add zero to the array and increment the hints for this item, as a penalty State[i][1]++; State[i][3] = 0; //then set the flag AllCorrect = 0; } } } //Calculate the total score var TotalScore = 0; for (i=0; i'; } Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + TotalScore + '%.
'; if (AllCorrect == 0){ Output += '
' + Incorrect; } BuildExercise(); WriteFeedback(Output); DisplayExercise(); RestoreCurrentAnswers(); } function TrackFocus(BoxNumber){ CurrentWord = BoxNumber; } function CheckBeginning(Guess, Answer){ var OutString = ''; var i = 0; var UpperGuess = ''; var UpperAnswer = ''; if (CaseSensitive == false) { UpperGuess = Guess.toUpperCase(); UpperAnswer = Answer.toUpperCase(); } else { UpperGuess = Guess; UpperAnswer = Answer; } while (UpperGuess.charAt(i) == UpperAnswer.charAt(i)) { OutString += Guess.charAt(i); i++; } OutString += Answer.charAt(i); return OutString; } function FindLongest(InArray){ if (InArray.length < 1){return -1;} var Longest = 0; for (var i=1; i InArray[Longest].length){ Longest = i; } } return Longest; } function GetGapValue(GNum){ var RetVal = ''; if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return RetVal;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ RetVal = eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value; RetVal = TrimString(RetVal); } else{ RetVal = State[GNum][5]; } return RetVal; } function SetGapValue(GNum, Val){ if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value = Val; } } function FindCurrent() { var x = 0; FoundCurrent = -1; //Test the current word: //If it's state is not set to already correct, check the word. if (State[CurrentWord][4] != 1){ if (CheckAnswer(CurrentWord, false) < 0){ return CurrentWord; } } x=CurrentWord + 1; while (x -1){return ''} RightBits = new Array(); for (var i=0; i 0){ SetGapValue(CurrGap, HintString); State[CurrGap][1] = State[CurrGap][1] + 1; } WriteFeedback(GiveHint); } function Blank(){ return '©Half-Baked Software. Loading... '; } //--> //]]> -->