Kathryn Howard


Kathryn arrived at Henry's court as the 19 year old lady-in-waiting of Anne of Cleves. She caught Henry's eye almost immediately. Political intriguing by her family and enemies of Thomas Cromwell (who was executed shortly after the Anne of Cleves divorce) pushed the young Kathryn towards the aging and overweight King. The 49 year old King married the 19 year old Kathryn within weeks of the divorce of Anne of Cleves.

At first, the Queen brought a lot of happiness to the King. But it was not long before stories began to surface of Kathryn's flirting with other men - of a more similar age to her. Investigations were carried out and it was found that many of the stories were true. She was executed in 1542.

| Wives of Henry VIII History | Humanities | Plymouth

by Stephen Luscombe