2nd Battalion 1758

This detail from a painting shows the newly raised 2nd Battalion, 42nd Highlanders, parading and exercising on Glasgow Green in 1758. The painting hangs in the regimental museum in Balhousie Castle, Perth. The 42nd became a Royal regiment in 1758 but the coats here do not have the dark blue facings that had to be worn to show their new status. The buff facings are difficult to make out on their uniforms but the two drummers on the left have buff coats and the Regimental Colour is buff. The commanding officer is mounted and holding his broadsword. He probably has buff breeches and boots instead of a kilt. One officer who walks near the Colours is not in Highland dress. He has a long coat with buff turnbacks and cuffs, white stockings and a tricorn hat with a white edge. This may be the adjutant but why he is not uniformed like the others is not known.

Regimental Details

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by Stephen Luscombe