The British Empire and its effect on Plymouth

Tariff Reform

Tariff Reform and Imperial Protection was to be a recurring issue in British Politics. First promulgated earnestly by Joseph Chamberlain, the Liberals saw off the first assault by playing the cheap food card and scaring the population into thinking it would mean more expensive prices for everyday goods. Consequently these pamphlets and posters from the 1923 election when the topic was reintroduced seem to go out of their way to downplay the impact on food prices and suggests that it may actually benefit consumers. The main problem for the Free Trader argument at the time was that Britain was becoming increasingly isolated as nearly all competitor nations introduced protection for their industries but still had access to sell their produce in Britain and her colonies. The first poster below shows Lloyd George appearing hypocritical in his support for the protectionist USA but being a fierce advocate for Free Trade for Britain.

Empire in Your Backyard: Plymouth Article | Significant Individuals

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by Stephen Luscombe