
The three hussars return to barracks in a state of inebriation with dirty uniforms. The scene of this third cartoon by T P Chapman is the guard room. The Provost Sergeant is directing them to the lock-up to confine them for the rest of the night. He wears a blue greatcoat which has three white chevrons on the right forearm. His cap is blue with a gold cap-band and gold braid. A corporal, also dressed in greatcoat but with two stripes, holds the padlock ready to secure the drunks in the cell. The men sleeping on uncomfortable wooden ‘beds’ are resting between guard shifts. One of them sits up to watch the commotion. He is a trumpeter as can be seen from the crossed trumpets badge on his upper arm. His trumpet hangs from a peg above his head. There are belts and swords also hanging from pegs. These and the busbies are worn by the men on guard duty. The table in the middle has a book and a notepad that has been ruined with spilt ink. Above the table is a gas pipe which provides lighting for the room.

Regimental Details | 10th Hussars Cartoons 1894

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by Stephen Luscombe