The Orderly Room

The next day the three men are waiting outside the orderly room to face the commanding officer’s judgement. They stand between a corporal and a private who are in dismounted review order, armed with swords and carbines. The two men in the doorway are the CO, or second-in-command, and the RSM, wearing patrol jackets. The RSM has a crown badge on his sleeve, and a regimental PoW badge. They both have double gold lace down the outside seam of their trousers. Standing outside the door are two more officers in patrol jackets and gold-laced pill-box caps. The officer with his back to us has a ledger under his arm indicating that he is the adjutant. He should be wearing a pouch-belt.

Regimental Details | 10th Hussars Cartoons 1894

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by Stephen Luscombe