Private 1815

Towards the end of 1814 the decision was made to make yet another alteration to hussar uniform so that coloured facings were to be abolished. This applied to all the hussar regiments so that the 10th now had all-blue dolmans and, at the same time, yellow cord, braid and lace for men and gold for officers. The lace frame around the chest cording remained a feature of the 10th Hussars. The peaked red shako replaced the black peakless shako worn in the Peninsula. The broad lace around the top was yellow although some artists depicted the regiment at Waterloo with a white laced top. The cap lines were red and yellow mixed, ending in yellow founders and tassels.

This illustration by P W Reynolds is based on a sketch by Sebastian Noblin in the Biblio Nationale in Paris. Another source that agrees with this is a sketch by Rubens of a corporal of the 10th Hussars studying a piece of paper. In that drawing the figure has an inverted chevron above his right cuff.

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by Stephen Luscombe