Officer in Undress 1819

This print by Edward Hull is one of the few images of an officer of the 10th Hussars wearing a red shako, adopted in 1815. It is bell-topped pattern, a style that lasted for more than 30 years. The top of the shako was decorated with interlinked circles of French braid. A wheel shaped device on the front and a boss with an upright horsehair plume that should be white over red. The front peak and the upturned back-peak were edged with French braid. The Dress Regulations of 1822 describe the jacket and pelisse that he is wearing under the heading of Hussars - Undress:

‘Jacket—entirely of blue cloth, sloping collar full three inches deep, ornamented with broad and narrow gold cord, five fancy gold cord loops with roses, and one row olivets down the front, an edging round jacket, and figures on the sleeves, hips and welts, of broad and narrow cord; white lining, gold neck-lines and twisted bullion tassels.’

‘Pelisse—blue cloth, grey Astracan fur collar four inches deep, five fancy gold cord loops with roses, and one row olivets down the front; grey Astracan cuffs three inches deep, and an edging of ditto entirely round the other parts of the pelisse, with inlets to the sleeve and welts, richly ornamented on the sleeve, side seams, welts, and hips, gold neck-lines with sliders and olivet ends.’

The pouchbelt in this print is plain black as is the sabretache. There is a sash around his waist that is yellow in this print but in others it is a red and gold barrel sash. The trousers are grey with gold lace down the outside seams. The undress shabraque has vandyke edging which in some prints is shown, as here, with yellow, or gold, triangles, but in others is simply zig-zagged thin gold or yellow braid on red cloth. There is embroidery on the front corners which must be a crown and GP cypher, and another source shows plain rear corners. The bridle is plain brown leather with scallop-edged cloth lining, supposed to be red.

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by Stephen Luscombe