Officer’s Stable Jacket 1856

These two photos show the front and back of an officer’s stable jacket dated c1856. The photos were taken at the office of Spink where the jacket was auctioned on 18 Mar 1997. The jacket is plain blue without the 5 gimp loops worn in the 10th Hussars in the 1820s and 30s. This example is edged with gold cord and a tracing of Russia braid. The most elaborate decoration is consigned to the lower back where two Austrian knots provide a base for lines of gold cord that follow the back seams. The top of these cords is finished off with a simple small loop where one would expect something more eye-catching. The cuff is also lacking in design, the back view showing how the gold cord terminates in downward curls. This jacket was for captains and subalterns. Field officers had a layer of inch wide gold lace on the collar and cuffs. It was worn in India from 1846 to 1855 and continued to be worn after the dress change to the tunic in 1856. In mess dress it was worn open with a scarlet and gold waistcoat.

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by Stephen Luscombe