Lieutenant 1860

The young lieutenant in this photo is clearly unfamiliar with the uniform he is wearing. The blue tunic has six rows of gold gimp with caps and drops at each end. The tunic is fastened with hooks and eyes and should also be buttoned up using the gold olivets and button loops, but the wearer has left them undone. His sleeve decoration is a gimp Austrian knot traced around with shiny Russia braid. The collar has a row of gold lace around the top with a silver embroidered crown rank badge on each side. There are no shoulder straps, these were added in 1888. He wears his pouch-belt on the wrong shoulder; it should be on the left side, with the lions head boss uppermost and the silver arrows lower down. He has a dress sabretache and sword. The sabretache only has the battle honours for WATERLOO and PENINSULA whereas there should be a third honour for SEVASTOPOL awarded in 1856. He holds an undress forage cap in his right hand which is the blue peakless pill-box cap with gold lace and braid.

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by Stephen Luscombe