Uniforms at El Teb 1884

In February 1884 the 10th returned from India and stopped off in the Red Sea at Trinkitat in the Sudan where they fought against the Mahdi’s tribesmen at El Teb. These sketches were made by the war artist Melton Prior from observation so that although they are only basic drawings, they should be accurate. The officers’ uniform was khaki, worn with the dress pouch-belt, and a haversack on the right shoulder. The sword and undress sabretache were suspended from a waist-belt that also had a holster for the revolver. The helmet was stained khaki and had a gilt spike on top. Blue puttees were worn with ankle boots and spurs. The men, also dressed in khaki, had their white leather pouch-belts slung from the left shoulder, and haversacks and water-bottles on the right shoulder. Their foreign service helmets were also stained khaki and had a brass spike.

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by Stephen Luscombe