Officers in Camp c1888

This photo is undated but the undress uniforms indicate the 1880s as the likely period. The blue frock tunics do not have breast pockets like the later versions. These officers are not all 10th Hussars. Certainly the three men seated who wear the regimental pattern tent cap are 10th, but the officer seated on the right has the blue folding forage cap as seen in the Norie painting of 1886 but may be from another regiment. The standing officer has flaming grenade badges on his collar which indicate RA or Engineers. The tent cap was blue with gold lace and braid and a PoW Plume badge on the left side. Photos of officers wearing the tent cap in the Afghan War of 1878-80 indicate the probable start date for the wearing of this cap. It did not carry on into the 20th century like the green tent cap of the 8th Hussars.

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by Stephen Luscombe