Captain, Levée Dress c1897

The uniform on this museum display was photographed at Winchester c1985. The tunic belonged to a captain as can be seen by the cuff decoration. The collar also has circlets of gold braid below the gold lace, smaller than the circlets on the Colonel’s collar, and unfortunately covered by the cap-line. There are two silver embroidered stars on each shoulder cord, and he has the domed gimp cap on the end of the shoulder cord. The black sable fur busby is worn by this model so that we can see the scarlet busby bag with the gold braid and small gold button. In levée dress the scarlet pantaloons were worn with patent leather Hessian boots which had a gold gimp top edge. His three-bar hilt sword has the gold and crimson sword knot with gold acorn end. The sword slings are of red morocco leather with gold lace on the outside.

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by Stephen Luscombe