Officer’s Sabretache c1807

The 10th Hussars were a silver laced regiment until c1815. This sabretache has a silver laced border and embroidery except for the Hanoverian crown which is gold with crimson cushioning between the arches. The sabretache was red from the time that they began to adopt hussar dress c1803 and continued as such until the abolition of dress sabretaches in 1902. The cypher is GP for George Prince of Wales, with a Roman numeral X and L D either side as they were still officially titled as Light Dragoons. Soon after this item was produced the LD was discontinued, as can be seen on the sabretache in the portrait of Officer in Dress Uniform 1810. The motto in the scroll is PRO GLORIA ET PATRIA. This disappeared after 1811 when the scroll was inscribed PRINCE REGENT’S OWN.

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by Stephen Luscombe