Officer’s Undress Sabretache 1876 - 1901

The date of the first appearance of the undress sabretache with a regimental badge is not known but in Nov 1876 permission was sought for this badge to be put on the plain black leather sabretache for officers in undress, and it was granted. A photo of Colonel Valentine Baker in undress, in 1860, shows the plain undress sabretache without a badge, but a photo of Lord Kerr in 1880 shows him with the badge. Dress Regulations for officers published after 1876 stipulate black patent leather undress sabretaches for hussars, but the 10th Hussars were to have the badge of the Prince of Wales’s plume. The only other hussar regiment to have a badge on their undress sabretache was the 19th who had the silver elephant badge. Sabretaches were abolished in 1902. The photo shows a damaged example which should be a smooth black surface.

Regimental Details | Sabretaches and Pouchbelts

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by Stephen Luscombe