Battle of Nagpore

This print by Robert Woolf from a painting by Denis Dighton gives a contemporary view of the huge Mahratta army that fought at Nagpore in 1817. The Royal Scots do not feature here but the massed horsemen and elephants of the Rajah’s forces are well portrayed. The cavalry on the left of the picture are the 6th Light Cavalry led by Captain Fitzgerald, who saved the day at Seetabuldee on 26 November. The title of the print is ‘The Last Charge of the 6th Regiment of Bengal and the 6th Regiment of Madras Light Cavalry on the 16th December 1817’ There is confusion over whether this shows the action at Nagpore or Seetabuldee which was close to Nagpore. The 6th Bengal Light Cavalry gained a battle honour for Seetabuldee but not Nagpore. The 6th Madras Light Cavalry, however, gained the honour for Nagpore but not Seetabuldee. According to CB Norman’s ‘Battle Honours of the British Army’ (1911) the units at Seetabuldee were the 6th Bengal Light Cavalry and a detachment of the Madras Bodyguard. Both these units gained honours for that battle on 26 Nov 1817, in which the 6th BLC had 23 men killed and 3 officers and 24 men wounded. But they aren't mentioned in the Nagpore casualty or honours list, nor is the 6th Madras LC.

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by Stephen Luscombe