Squadron at Kabul 1880

This photo is from the regimental history and captioned ‘Captain Gough’s Squadron, 9th Lancers, at Kabul, 1880’. Bloomfield Gough can be seen seated in the centre next to another officer wearing a dress tunic. Gough appears to be wearing a dark patrol jacket. There are a variety of uniforms worn here. The man behind Gough is the Regimental Sergeant Major with an undress frock bearing his four gold stripes and crown above. A corporal next to him has a dress tunic, but most are in frocks or the pale quilted jacket worn on this campaign. An officer sits on the ground in front of Gough, wearing breeches embellished with two gold lace stripes. A man seated on the ground on the left of the picture holds a Martini Henry carbine.

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by Stephen Luscombe