NCO’s Shako 1849 - 1863

Other ranks wore a similar pattern shako to the officers but this surviving example shows up the differences. The peak is plain patent leather, although a photo of a private c1860 shows a metal edge to the peak. The plume is inserted into the top of the cap without the ornate plume-holder but again the 1860 photo shows a holder similar to the officers. From this angle we can just make out the slightly sunken top of the cap which is of a waterproof material. The sides of the shako are made of ‘black beaver’ and around the top is a band of silver broken bias lace. Corporals and privates had white worsted lace but senior NCOs had silver. The badge is all white metal whereas officer’s badges were bi-metal. The scrolls at the base of the badge are inscribed THE EARL OF/ CHESTER'S /YEOMANRY. The chin-chain is without a backing but that may have been lost over time.

Regimental Details | Cheshire Yeomanry Uniforms

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by Stephen Luscombe