Mounted Private 1887

The illustration by P W Reynolds and is from his note-books, copied from a monochrome photo in the collection of L E Buckell. The photo was most probably taken on the same day as the photo of the mounted sergeant. But the colour brings the image to life. His tunic has a badge on the sleeve, crossed rifles for shooting proficiency. This badge is more usually found on the forearm. His sword is the three-bar hilted 1821 pattern. In the notes, Reynolds says, ‘In 1848, one Troop was supplied with new swords; but another Troop appears to have been armed with the old scimitar swords as late as 1851, when 51 of them were returned into Ordnance Store, and the regiment was re-armed with light cavalry swords purchased in Birmingham….Westley-Richards carbines were received in 1870.’

Regimental Details | Cheshire Yeomanry Uniforms

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by Stephen Luscombe