Imperial Yeomanry Uniforms 1901 - 1908

From the left these schematics are:
1. Officer, frock coat and forage cap 1905
2. Private, blue serge frock 1906
3. Officer, service dress 1907-8
4. Private, service dress 1901-05

Full dress was withdrawn in 1905 so that formal wear was, for officers the blue frock coat and scarlet forage cap. Other ranks wore the blue serge tunic with collar badges and buttoned pockets on the chest and hips. At first they wore the pill-box cap with white band but in 1906 they were issued a peaked forage cap which was blue with a scarlet cap-band. They did not have shoulder chains like other cavalry units but had a metal ECIY on the shoulder strap.

Khaki service dress was issued in 1901-02. At first the officers showed their rank on the shoulder straps but in 1903 it was transferred to the cuff. Initially they wore a slouch hat but adopted a khaki forage cap with a scarlet cap-band in 1907-08. They wore pale jodhpurs with brown leather Stohwasser leggings. The right hand scheme shows the privates’ service dress with slouch hat, but they also wore their blue and scarlet forage cap with a khaki cover for the top.

These coloured drawings and information come from The Uniforms of the Imperial Yeomanry 1901 - 1908 by David J Knight and Robert J Smith (Military Historical Society 2009)

Regimental Details | Cheshire Yeomanry Uniforms

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by Stephen Luscombe