Shako Badge 1849

This large badge of the Earl of Chester’s Yeomanry extended over the front of the tall shako worn by the regiment from 1849 to 1863. For officers it was silver with a gilt crown on the Prince of Wales Feathers. Other ranks had the same pattern but all white metal. The Prince of Wales granted the regiment permission to use his symbol in 1803. The PoW Plume was worn on the side of the light dragoon Tarleton helmet but was discontinued when George acceded to the throne in 1820 and they adopted the title of King’s. In 1849 the title changed to the Earl of Chester’s and the Plume restored. It has formed the basis for the badges of the regiment ever since. The ‘crown’ on top of the badge is in fact an earl’s coronet. The title Earl of Chester was held by the Prince of Wales as one of his extra titles. There had been no actual Earls of Chester since the 14th century so the title was held by the crown and added to the titles of successive Princes of Wales.

Regimental Details | Cheshire Yeomanry Badges

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by Stephen Luscombe