31st at Sobraon

The 31st Regiment, the senior component of the East Surreys, had a distinguished history. They earned themselves prestige and glory in the First Sikh War and were immortalised in this Ackermann print of the 31st Regiment at Sobraon which was published on 1 Jan 1848. The battle took place on 10 Feb 1846, the last major conflict of the First Sikh War. They took part in all the battles of that war and gained four battle honours. The figure in the background on top of a small hill holding the Regimental Colour is a non-commissioned officer of the 31st, Sergeant Bernard McCabe. Other units feature in the print, the 50th and the Gurkhas, but the 31st suffered the heaviest casualties, 36 killed, 109 wounded. The wounds were severe and many died as a result.

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by Stephen Luscombe