Private, India 1877

The 2nd Battalion sailed to India in September 1877. They were issued with a white helmet which was normally worn without a spike. The artist, Richard Simkin, has painted this private in foreign service review order. The tunic is an undress frock that replaced the shell jacket in 1870. It was worn at home as well as for foreign service, made of serge, having five buttons down the front. There were no pockets, and the blue facings were confined to the collar. There are badges on the collar, probably the White Horse. The red shoulder straps have a number 8 embroidered. He has trousers as worn for dress parades with a red welt down the side.

He holds a Martini Henry Rifle with a 22 inch socket bayonet attached. Sergeants had the sword bayonet. The Martini Henry was introduced in 1874 to replace the Snider.

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by Stephen Luscombe