Middlesex Duke of Cambridge’s Hussars, Yeomanry Cavalry

Sergeant-Major F Langley

F Langley enlisted in the 5th Lancers in 1877 and later transferred to the 17th Lancers, serving in the Zulu War of 1879. He considered himself fortunate in that he served throughout the campaign ‘without so much as a scratch’. At some time in the 1880s he was attached to the Middlesex Hussars. In 1891 he was a Sergeant-Instructor to A Troop and living in Brighton. At the time of the photograph, taken by Martin Jacolette in the mid-1890s he was Regimental Sergeant-Major. He is wearing a green stable jacket with black velvet collar edged with gold Russia braid and the shoulder straps edged in gold lace. He has medal ribbons for the Zulu War. Another photo of him, three quarter length, shows his right forearm which has an embroidered crown badge over four inverted gold stripes which are padded out with quilting.

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by Stephen Luscombe