Middlesex Duke of Cambridge’s Hussars, Yeomanry Cavalry

Trumpeter, Private and Officer c1895

The young man standing in the middle of this group is a trumpeter of the Middlesex Hussars in undress. He is wearing the green serge frock which at that stage had plain serge shoulder traps instead of the shoulder chains that came later. There are breast pockets with brass buttons and five buttons down the front. He has a crossed trumpet badge on his right forearm. He wears a white leather pouch-belt, and a bugle strung from his right shoulder. The trousers are blue with red stripes down the side. The forage cap is distinctive, being green on top, with a red cap-band that has gold braid along the edges. The registering of this print is poor so the lower braid looks wider, but another copy shows braid of equal length. The other figures are an officer standing in review order, and a private also in review order mounted up.

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by Stephen Luscombe