Middlesex Duke of Cambridge’s Hussars, Yeomanry Cavalry

Trooper Robert Groome

Trooper Robert Groome was wounded in the hip from sniper fire at Elands Kop on 28 Sep 1900. He was invalided from Harrismith to Mooi River on 22 Oct. He lived in Worthing but had travelled widely, having worked in Texas and other parts of the world. He was commissioned and returned to serve in the New Yeomanry in South Africa in 1902 as a lieutenant. William Corner was riding with him when he was wounded: ‘...suddenly we found ourselves under a heavy fire from our left rear. The bullets came very thick and fast, but from what point we could not at first discover. We had to pass through an opening in a fence, and upon this point the fire seemed to be concentrated, as I came through I rode up to Groome’s side and said, “Where the devil are these bullets coming from?” We were in open formation and no orders had reached us. Groome turned around, very quietly, and said, “I don’t know, old chap, but I’ve got it in the hip.” It was said in such an even voice that had I not known him I should have hardly understood that he was severely wounded. We took him to a kraal, where I tied up the wound in the best way I knew how.’

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by Stephen Luscombe