The Korean War by Victory Games

This Victory Games title (a division of Avalon Hill) recreated the first year of the Korean War campaign - basically the mobile part of the war. I decided to play out the campaign for the first time in many years. I played it solo but decided to give a telegram format to convey the immediacy of some of the key skirmishes and battles of the game I played out.
June 24th…..1950……FEC…..TOKYO…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Reports from South Korean Ground Forces of Increased Communist Activity North of 38th Parallel [STOP] FECHQ are Confident these are Exercises [STOP] No Course of Action Required by USFEC Forces [STOP] Will Advise In Due Course [STOP]
June 25th…..1950……FEC…..SEOUL…..From: USEmbassy…. To: HQ MacArthur…. North Korean Troops supported by T34 tanks and aircraft have attacked South Korean Forces across 38th Parallel[STOP] Casualty Reports Indeterminate but High [STOP] South Korean Troops Retreating to Seoul [STOP] South Korean Troops Ordered to Defend Capital [STOP] President Syngman Rhee Requests Immediate Military Aid [STOP] Await Further Instructions [STOP]
July 1st…..1950……UN…..NEWYORK…..From: US AMBASSADOR to UN Warren Austin …. To: HQ MacArthur…. Positive diplomatic news [STOP] UN Security Council Condemns North Korean Invasion Unreservedly [STOP] No Russian UN Ambassador Present to Veto [STOP] Have requested maximum UN Military Support in expelling invaders [STOP]
July 3rd…..1950……ROKA…..TAEJON…..From: ROKAHQ To: HQ MacArthur…. North Korean Troops supported by T34 tanks Attacked Seoul from the East in the early morning [STOP] 3 Regiments of ROK were still dispersed and reorganising when they were attacked [STOP] US F4Us supported [STOP] North Korean Tanks successfully broke through improvised defences [STOP] North Korean 4th Division followed up [STOP] ROK Survivors retreated to Inchon to dig in [STOP] Seoul in enemy hands [STOP] ROK Regiments to the North isolated [STOP] Further US and UN Military Support Requested Urgently [STOP]
July 5th…..1950……FEC…..ICH’ON…..From: TFSMITH To: HQ MacArthur…. Arrived ICH’ON station [STOP] Small Arms and Light Equipment Only [STOP] Learnt of Fall of Seoul en route [STOP] Hoped bridges across Han-Gang River in ROK hands [STOP] But one railway bridge undefended [STOP] North Korean 3rd Division with T34s Advanced upon us before preparations complete [STOP] Little AT ability [STOP] We shall endeavour [STOP]
July 7th…..1950……ROKA…..SAMCH’OK…..From: ROKAHQ To: HQ MacArthur…. North Korean 5th Division Advancing down East coast road [STOP] Unsupported by Armour [STOP] North Koreans Assault From North [STOP] Repelled with support from US Navy and US Aircraft [STOP] Significant Casualties Inflicted [STOP] Intelligence Reports more North Korean Forces arriving [STOP] Reinforcements Requested [STOP]
July 12th…..1950……WHITE HOUSE…..WASHINGTON DC…..From: CinC Truman To: HQ MacArthur…. Your news of the situation in and around Seoul deeply concerning [STOP] Enemy Troops South of Han-gang rout TFSmith [STOP] Imperative USFEC forces land at Pusan and aid ROKA [STOP] Have made urgent requests from UN Members to provide troops and military resources [STOP] Until Further Notice US and UN Aerial Forces are not to engage North of 38th Parallel [STOP] Your Priority is to defend South Korea [STOP] God Speed Your Forces [STOP]
July 15th…..1950……ROKA…..INCHON…..From: 3RD Regiment ROK HQ To: ROKAHQ…. 2nd Regiment ROK Destroyed [STOP] SEOUL Cleared of ROK Troops [STOP] YONGDUNG’PO Abandoned [STOP] 3rd Regiment Troops have fought all the way from the 38th Parallel and through the streets of SEOUL [STOP] Have put up Hasty Defences here at INCHON [STOP] DPRK Troops Already on Outskirts of Port [STOP] Request Evacuation [STOP] Otherwise HWAITING [STOP]
July 17th…..1950……ROKA…..PUSAN…..From: ROKAHQ To: HQ MacArthur…. TAEJON has Fallen to DPRK 4th Division with T34 Support [STOP] Secondary Attack on Elements of ROK 2nd Division From Eastern Flank Rebuffed [STOP] ROK 2nd Division Responsive but in danger of being Surrounded [STOP] Request US 24th Division to Aid in Defence of South-West Korea [STOP]
July 21st…..1950……ROKA…..SAMCH’OK…..From: ROKAHQ To: HQ MacArthur…. Second Stand at SAMCH’OK [STOP] Repelled Assault by Two DPRK Divisions [STOP] Give Thanks to US Navy for Invaluable Fire Support [STOP] Significant Casualties Inflicted [STOP] Fortifying Position [STOP] Intelligence Reports Third DPRK Approaching from West [STOP]
July 28th…..1950……ROKA…..INCHON…..From: 3RD Regiment ROK HQ To: ROKAHQ…. INCHON Peninsular has held after heavy and prolonged fighting [STOP] Two DKPR Divisions With T34 Support Attacked and Repelled [STOP] Many T-34s Disabled [STOP] Significant Casualties Inflicted [STOP] US and UN Naval Support Invaluable [STOP] Fortifying Position [STOP] Troops Exhausted [STOP]
August 1st…..1950……ROKA…..INCHON…..From: 3RD Regiment ROK HQ To: ROKAHQ…. Situation Desperate [STOP] Ammunition and Anti-Tank Rounds Depleted [STOP] Enemy Artillery Pounding Positions Constantly [STOP] Enemy has Broken Through our Lines [STOP] US Navy and Aircraft Cannot Save Us [STOP] Fall of INCHON Imminent [STOP]
August 13th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. The Situation in Korea is Grave [STOP] North Korean Divisions have crossed the River Naktong-Gang and are threatening Taeju [STOP] Have Advanced USMC and USArmy to support ROK in defence of TAEGU [STOP] North Korean Advance Down Eastern Coast has Stalled [STOP] US and ROK Forces have taken control of ports and cities in the South and West [STOP] US Aerial Forces Interdicting Lengthening North Korean Supply Lines [STOP] Confident We Will Hold Pusan [STOP] Reinforcements Requested [STOP]
August 17th…..1950……USMC…..Near TAEGU…..From: LT-COL CROSS…. To: HQ MacArthur…. 5th Regiment USMC rushed to the outskirts of TAEGU to support left flank of ROK 1st Division [STOP] Two Divisions of DKPR conduct an all-out Assault on our positions supported fully by two regiments of T34s [STOP] Our new M26 Pershings Performed Admirably Disabling Many T34s [STOP] Waves of DKPR Soldiers Repulsed [STOP] Heavy and Sustained Fighting [STOP] Invaluable Air Support Saved Our Bacon More Than Once [STOP] Believe we have weathered the worst of the storm [STOP] Troops digging in [STOP] Request support on our Western Flank which is hanging with more DKPR Divisions in the vicinity [STOP] The Pusan Perimeter Firemen have put out this Particular Fire [STOP] For Now [STOP]
August 27th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. The North Korean Drive to Pusan via Taegu has been Halted [STOP] USMC successfully resisted DPRK Assault Although more North Korean Troops Arriving in Theatre [STOP] One North Korean Division heading towards Sobaek Mountains en route to cut supply lines to South West controlled cities [STOP] US and ROK Forces despatched to hinder this advance through the mountains [STOP] Cities in South West Korea still under UN control although more North Koreans Arriving in their vicinity [STOP] 25th Division on the East Coast had to abandon defences at Ulchin as it became aware of North Korean troops travelling through Kyongsang Mountains and was in danger of being surrounded [STOP] Air Superiority gained [STOP] Expecting Arrival of First non-US, non-ROK Ground Troops imminently [STOP] Intelligence Reports significant North Korean Garrisons of potential invasion points South of 38th Parallel [STOP] How firm are orders not to intervene North of 38th Parallel [Question]
September 4th…..1950……27th British Commonwealth Brigade…..KYONGSANG MOUNTAINS…..From: Brigadier Coad …. To: PM Attlee…. Landed at Pusan just days ago [STOP] Rushed up Coastal Road to aid US 25th Division locate and Intercept DPKR troops infiltrating through the mountains [STOP] Formed blocking formation along track to coastal road [STOP] Supported US troops assault in the difficult terrain with Air Support [STOP] Results Inconclusive [STOP] North Korean Troops Appear to have withdrawn [STOP] Spirits High [STOP] Highlanders Enjoying the terrain even if nobody else is [STOP]
September 8th…..1950……9th Infantry Regiment …..Near TAEGU…..From: Colonel Sloane…. To: HQ MacArthur…. T-34s Launched a Dawn Assault [STOP] M26 Pershings withstood armored advance [STOP] Many T34s knocked out [STOP] Despite their setback two divisions of North Koreans assaulted our prepared positions [STOP] Total imbalance in personnel available [STOP] Situation hopeless [STOP] Have ordered M26 Pershings to Save themselves [STOP] TAEGU in Danger [STOP] It has been a privilege to command the men of this regiment [STOP]
September 20th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Supply Issues Complicating any UN Offensive Action [STOP] PUSAN at Full Capacity [STOP] Enemy Offensive Action Diminishing [STOP] Enemy Appears to be Digging In and Fortifying their positions [STOP] Amphibious Assault Delayed Due to Extensive DPRK Garrisons in Potential Invasion Beaches and Ports along Western Coast of South Korea [STOP] Request Permission to Consider Amphibious Invasion in North Korea Itself [STOP]
October 1st…..1950……ROKA…..Near YANGDONG…..From: Captain Kim To: ROKAHQ TAEGU…. Had moved North to Interdict main highway to TAEGU [STOP] Full DRPK Division with Tanks Assaulted us Directly [STOP] Air Support Received [STOP] Too Few Troops to withstand North Koreans [STOP] Formation Destroyed [STOP] Road to TAEGU back in North Korean Hands [STOP]
October 4th…..1950……24TH INFANTRY DIVISION…..CHONJU…..From: BRIGADIER-GENERAL SMYTHE To: HQ MacArthur…. Extra Ammunition and Stores Arrived from new depot at Port Kunsan [STOP] Supplies allowed All Out Assault to be Ordered upon DPRK Division Dug In to our North [STOP] Air Support Gratefully Received [STOP] Total Surprise Achieved [STOP] North Korean Formation Destroyed [STOP] Advanced to Occupy Enemy Trenches [STOP] Road to TAEJON Open but a full division of North Korean troops dug in to our West [STOP]
October 6th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur To: CinC Truman…. Fierce Fighting in PUSAN Pocket [STOP] ROK Defending Outskirts of TAEGU [STOP] ROK Taking Casualties But not Retreating [STOP] US 38th Regiment Destroyed outside YONGCH’ON [STOP] Perimeter Bending but not Breaking [STOP] DRPK 2nd Division Contained in South East of Pocket [STOP] Evident Supplies Getting Through to DKPR [STOP] Request Bombing Missions North of 38th Parallel to Interdict North Korean Supplies More Effectively
October 9th…..1950……24TH INFANTRY DIVISION…..CHONJU…..From: BRIGADIER-GENERAL SMYTHE To: HQ MacArthur…. North Korean Troops and Tanks Assaulted from North whilst we were out in the open [STOP] T34s Made Initial Inroads but our Infantry Held Firm with Air Support [STOP] Request Pershings to dent North Korean Armor Superiority [STOP] Inflicted Casualties thanks to naive DRPK tactics [STOP] Request Arms and Ammunition to take the battle to the North Koreans [STOP] Suspect Taejon Undefended [STOP]
October 15th…..1950……24TH INFANTRY DIVISION…..Near CHONJU…..From: BRIGADIER-GENERAL SMYTHE To: HQ MacArthur…. Abundant Supplies Arriving from PUSAN [STOP] Thank you for Pershings [STOP] Conducted Offensive Action in Conjunction with ROK troops who used their knowledge of the local geography to infiltrate and cut off DRPK troops [STOP] Many North Korean Troops Surrendered [STOP] Road is open to TAEJON [STOP]
October 24th…..1950……24TH INFANTRY DIVISION…..TAEJON…..From: BRIGADIER-GENERAL SMYTHE To: HQ MacArthur…. 9th Regiment Took up blocking position to East of TAEJON [STOP] 1st Cavalry Regiment Assaulted TAEJON from NorthWest and Inflicted Casualties [STOP] My 24th Division invested TAEJON fully from SouthWest [STOP] Assaulted with full support and cooperation of the 9th Regiment and the 1st Cavalry [STOP] Fully Routed the Enemy and have seized their stores fuel and ammunition [STOP] There are going to be some cold and hungry North Koreans as the weather turns [STOP]
October 25th…..1950……27th British Commonwealth Brigade….. SAMCH’OK…..From: Brigadier Coad …. To: PM Attlee…. Remarkable Series of Manoeuvres and Assaults in challenging terrain [STOP] Supported US 25th Division who assaulted from the mountains towards DPRK Division [STOP] US routed and occupied position [STOP] We then US 19th Regiment and their Pershings in assaulting even stronger North Korean Division fully dug in [STOP] US Pershings and Troops occupied their positions [STOP] ROK troops marched through the mountains to isolate freshly arrived DPRK division with T34s digging in [STOP] Fell to us to organise the final assault on this isolated North Korean formation with support from US 25th Division and ROK forces [STOP] Highlanders led the way [STOP] North Koreans Surrendered in Droves [STOP] Intelligence Reports no sizeable North Korean Formations all the way to the Chinese Border [STOP]
October 30th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Supplies Arriving in Full Allowing for Full Offensive Operations to be undertaken [STOP] PUSAN pocket Forces begin Assaults on Isolated North Korean Divisions [STOP] Enemy still dug in with plenty of armoured support [STOP] US, UN and ROK forces Attacking Along the a broad front [STOP] 23rd Infantry Regiment Undertook ambitious assault across river [STOP] USMC Assaulted from Near Taejon [STOP] 35th Infantry Regiment launched Effective Offensive operations with support from ROK, British and Turkish forces Obliterating Enemy and Fully Occupying Enemy Positions [STOP] We are now pushing at an open door [STOP]
November 4th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. The Arrival of Winter has complicated our logistics [STOP] Supplies running low especially as our troops are now spread out across South Korea [STOP] Happy to report that the Pusan Perimeter Enemy Forces have all been either destroyed or they have retreated back to a new defensive line around SEOUL [STOP] I ordered the 25th Infantry Division to travel ASAP from East Korea to invest SEOUL from the North and cut off enemy supply lines [STOP] This entailed crossing the 38th Parallel to achieve speedily [STOP] I do not believe the Chinese will protest at our necessary military movements [STOP]
November 11th…..1950……FEC…..PUSAN…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Pleased to report the fall of SEOUL to US and UN Forces [STOP] Troops of the 24th Infantry 25th Infantry and 1st Cavalry Divisions Operating beyond the normal Limit of their logistical networks conducted hasty attacks on two North Korean Divisions within the city [STOP] In a series of daring attacks they displaced all DPRK forces from the city limits [STOP] INCHON still in enemy hands but these forces are now firmly isolated from their supply lines [STOP] South Korea is 99% under UN Control [STOP]
November 24th…..1950……FEC…..SEOUL…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. South Korea is Entirely in UK Hands [STOP] Moved Forces North to deal with Enemy Formations in and around the Port of WONSAN [STOP] WONSAN Captured and Retreating Enemy Forces were tracked down and destroyed [STOP] UN Forces have occupied PYONGYANG [STOP] ROK forces reporting rumours of Chinese Forces operating in extreme North of Korea [STOP] These rumours are unconfirmed [STOP] Total Victory is within grasp [STOP]
December 4th…..1950……1st CAVALRY DIVISION…..ANJU…..From: Major General Hobart Gay To: HQ MacArthur…. We delayed marching North to YALU RIVER due to inclement weather and difficulties with logistics [STOP] We stopped at ANJU behind a river to reorganise [STOP] Fortunate Decision as our formation came under attack from Chinese Infantry [STOP] Waves of infantry were only repelled with thanks to USAF and the favourable Defensive Position [STOP] Our Intelligence Believes there are more Chinese in the neighborhood [STOP] Request Permission to Withdraw to Evaluate the situation and improve supply situation [STOP] Will cover the river until neighbouring US 65th Regiment and UN Greek Soldiers have safely withdrawn [STOP] Situation Grave [STOP]
December 12th…..1950……1st CAVALRY DIVISION…..Near PYONGYANG…..From: Major General Hobart Gay To: HQ MacArthur…. Situation Critical [STOP] Retreated through US Airborne to take up positions on the River to the South of PYONGYANG [STOP] US 65th Regiment and UN Greek Contingent have taken up positions to our East Flank [STOP] US Airborne in PYONGYANG swamped by Chinese Soldiers [STOP] It was a remarkable withdrawal under fire which saw them retreat through us and take up new Positions to our South West [STOP] Desperately Need Supplies [STOP] Road to SEOUL in Danger [STOP] We simply do not have the men and resources to hold back the quantity of Chinese Divisions we are facing [STOP]
December 25th…..1950……27th British Commonwealth Brigade….. Near YONGHUNG…..From: Brigadier Coad …. To: PM Attlee…. We have the dubious honour sir of being the most Northerly United Nations Combat Unit in the Korean Peninsula [STOP] There may be a few uniformed men in Hungnam destroying stores before they can fall in to Communist Hands [STOP] Otherwise we have been asked to cover the general retreat back South [STOP] We have seen a steady line of UN formation driving past our position down the coastal road [STOP] This is a little dispiriting to the troops [STOP] We have heard Rumours that the Americans have taken severe casualties to the South of PYONGYANG [STOP] UN Forces attempting to use rivers to hold back the Chinese hordes [STOP] Sadly we understand that there are already many Chinese formations to our South and West which means that the river to our North is of little help in this regards [STOP] Merry Christmas Sir [STOP]
January 1st…..1951……FEC…..SEOUL…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Heavy Fighting along Ryesong River [STOP] Enemy Forces Launched All Out Assaults Across the River [STOP] US 187 Airborne together with Filipino UN Contingents destroyed [STOP] This allowed for further Chinese Division to cross river unmolested and Assault 9th Infantry Regiment and Dutch UN Troops from behind [STOP] Sadly those forces have ceased to be operational [STOP] Will commit USMC and 25th Infantry Division to reestablish Ryesong River as our defensive line [STOP]
January 5th…..1951……USMC…..Near Sibyon-NI…..From: LT-COL CROSS…. To: HQ MacArthur…. US 25th Division Reported Success in Expelling Chinese Division from East Bank of Ryesong River [STOP] We abandoned our ad hoc entrenchments to expel remaining Chinese Division East of Ryesong River [STOP] Pershing Tanks Committed but lack of Air Support [STOP] Severely weakened Chinese Division but elements retreated Northwards [STOP] Have at least occupied enemy positions and can keep an eye on any new Chinese Forces seeking to cross the River [STOP]
January 10th…..1951……25th Infantry Division…..Ryesong River …..From: Major-General Kean…. To: HQ MacArthur…. Desperate Fighting along banks of Ryesong River [STOP] Wave after wave of Chinese infantry descending upon us [STOP] Turks on our right flank were pushed back after a heroic stand of their own [STOP] This gave a new avenue attack for Chinese troops on our position [STOP] We have taken substantial casualties [STOP] We are regrouping [STOP] Appreciate that this leaves the Gloucesters to our North exposed [STOP] Recommend you order them to retreat to the Imjin River to establish new defensive line [STOP] UN Forces can no longer hold the Ryesong River [STOP]
January 16th…..1951……FEC…..SEOUL…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Situation Grave [STOP] Ferocious Fighting all along the Ryesong River [STOP] Counter Attacks successful but just more and more Chinese formations arriving all the time [STOP] The port of Wonsan to fall imminently [STOP] Winter hampering Air Support and logistical operations [STOP] We are in desperate need of further reinforcements [STOP]
January 20th…..1951……4th Infantry Division…..38th Parallel…..From: Major-General Metcalf…. To: HQ MacArthur…. At your request we diverted from our initial orders to support the 27th Commonwealth Brigade in closing Eastern Coastal Road to Pusan [STOP] Rushed to 38th Parallel when major supply depot threatened by Communist Forces [STOP] Deployed our tanks and assaulted immediately [STOP] We helped push Chinese back across Imjin River [STOP] Supported ROK Forces to expel additional Chinese Division to South [STOP] Situation stabilised [STOP] Troops Exhausted [STOP] Welcome to Korea I guess [STOP]
January 24th…..1951……USMC…..Near Kaesong…..From: LT-COL Smythe…. To: HQ MacArthur…. Chinese forces infiltrating from all directions [STOP] We are surrounded [STOP] Running low on ammunition and supplies [STOP] Have beaten off successive Communist attacks [STOP] We are taking heavy casualties [STOP] We had hoped to fight our way free but there are just too many enemy forces in our vicinity [STOP] We will take as many as we can down with us and buy you time to defend SEOUL [STOP]
February 14th…..1951……FEC…..SEOUL…..From: HQ MacArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. Imjin River new line of defence [STOP] Repeated Assaults Across River [STOP] Chinese have crossed at one point but rest of defensive line holding firm [STOP] Special word of thanks to ROK for helping to extricate surrounded USMC [STOP] Air Power beginning to take its toll on enemy formations [STOP] Concerned that Chinese Divisions South of Wonsan will envelop our defensive line along the Imjin [STOP] Request permission to use Atomic Bombs on Chinese Mainland to stem the flow of Chinese hordes [QUESTION]
February 16th…..1951……FEC…..Imjin River…..From: Lieutenant General Ridgway…. To: HQ McArthur…. Chinese Forces have seized critical road junction behind our defensive lines [STOP] Chinese soldiers attacking our formations from rear [STOP] Risk of having a number of US, UN and ROK formations become isolated and surrounded [STOP] Recommend Immediate fighting withdrawal to South of 38th Parallel [STOP] Any delay could be fatal [STOP]
February 25th…..1951……USMC…..Kangwon-Pukto…..From: LT-COL CROSS…. To: Lieutenant General Ridgway…. Low on ammunition and food but this did not stop us fighting our way Southwards [STOP] Repeatedly supported attacks by fellow US and ROK troops [STOP] Slowly edging southwards and reestablished supply lines through 8th US Cavalry Regiment [STOP] Communist Forces hot on our heels [STOP] Enemy Forces literally every point of the compass as far as we can tell [STOP] We need to keep heading back to the 38th Parallel [STOP]
March 12th…..1951……24TH INFANTRY DIVISION…..North of 38th Parallel…..From: BRIGADIER-GENERAL SMYTHE To: Lieutenant General Ridgway…. Daily Attacks upon our positions from all directions [STOP] Have lost count of how many enemy we have killed [STOP] Desperately short of arms and ammunition [STOP] Ordered the Airborne and Cavalry regiments to our South to save themselves [STOP] Too late for us [STOP] Too many enemy troops [STOP] We are better off in our trenches [STOP] Will Fight to the Bitter End [STOP]
March 18th…..1951……115TH INFANTRY Regiment…..Chungpyong Reservoir…..From: Colonel Kenly To: Lieutenant General Ridgway…. Severe fighting in and around reservoir [STOP] Have heard that we have lost control of the Northern end of the Reservoir [STOP] We are still hanging on [STOP] Many Chinese killed trying to cross the river [STOP] Will begin digging in earnestly [STOP] Relieved that 25th Infantry Division moving in to support and guard our rear position [STOP] Weather beginning to improve [STOP] Intelligence believes a lot more Chinese coming our way [STOP]
March 26th…..1951……FEC…..South of SEOUL…..From: HQ McArthur…. To: CinC Truman…. USMC taking casualties defending SEOUL [STOP] Intelligence suggests hundreds of thousands of Communist Troops massing between SEOUL and the CHUNGPYONG Reservoir [STOP] We are also being pushed back in the Centre and to the East [STOP] The Han River is now our last line of defence [STOP] If the Communists break through then I must order the evacuation of the entire peninsula [STOP] Recommend Immediate use of Atomic bombs to restore our strategic situation [STOP] What is the point in having Atomic Weapons if we are not prepared to use them [QUESTION]
April 11th…..1951……25th Infantry Division…..CHUNGPYONG Reservoir …..From: Major-General Kean…. To: Lieutenant General Ridgway…. Just heard the news that you are our new Supreme Commander Sir [STOP] We have been a little distracted [STOP] Chinese eventually managed to cross the river and take the positions of the 115th Regiment to our West [STOP] We counterattacked immediately [STOP] The exhausted Chinese were routed decisively [STOP] We moved to occupy the East bank of the river and not a moment too soon [STOP] Two fresh Communist divisions launched fresh attacks across said river [STOP] Air support helped us to repel this attack [STOP] My troops are exhausted but we have restored the defensive line [STOP] Recommend despatching troops to defend our rear and the northern shore of the reservoir [STOP] You have a busy first day as commander sir [STOP]
April 15th…..1951……YONGDUNGPO…..HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. Extensive fighting in and around SEOUL [STOP] USMC putting up a sterling fight there against substantial enemy forces [STOP] Special Mention must also go to the 175th Regiment on the Centre Right flank with their UN Filipino allies who have fought off attacks by three different Chinese Divisions up in the Mountains [STOP] Some concern along the Eastern flank that Chinese are moving down the mountains behind our lines [STOP] US and UN troops have moved in rapidly to frustrate any such incursion [STOP] After a scare rectified by the 25th Infantry Division our Han River Defensive Line is now holding [STOP] Supplies are beginning to flow better now that the harsh winter conditions have abated [STOP]
April 24th…..1951……27th British Commonwealth Brigade…..TAEBAEK MOUNTAINS…..From: Major General Home …. To: PM Attlee…. We were asked to coordinate with the US 7th Infantry Regiment to stop the incursion by Communist forces through the Taebaek Mountains [STOP] We had at our disposal Centurion Tanks which the Chinese did not think could operate effectively in such mountainous terrain [STOP] I must say they were mightily surprised to find British tanks firing down on them from such heights whilst American tanks stormed up the valleys towards them [STOP] With the help of Air Support we were able to utterly rout the Chinese forces [STOP] Glad to be back on the offensive for the first time in a long time [STOP] We will ensure no Communist Forces pass this way any time soon [STOP]
April 26th…..1951……YONGDUNGPO….. From: HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. Regret to inform you that SEOUL has temporarily fallen to Chinese Communist Forces [STOP] USMC fought bravely but eventually had to relent [STOP] I am organising counter-attack across Han River as we speak [STOP] Realise the importance of the capital to the UN cause [STOP]
April 30th…..1951……YONGDUNGPO…..From: HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. SEOUL is a battlefield [STOP] Three different ROK formations have reoccupied their capital only to come under immediate counterattack from Communist Forces [STOP] The Han River is helping our opponents more than our side due to its position [STOP] Have rushed up reinforcements from PUSAN to replace casualties [STOP] The main Han defensive line has held despite withdrawing some forces to reinforce SEOUL attacks [STOP] Better news in centre and east of UN line [STOP] Communist attacks faltering in the more rugged terrain [STOP] Intelligence reports Communist supply lines straining in the more unfavourable terrain [STOP]
May 10th…..1951……YONGDUNGPO…..From: HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. SEOUL has changed hands at least a dozen times [STOP] Pleased to inform you that the 24th Infantry Division currently holds the city after a fierce battle to enter it [STOP] I think our escalated strategic bombing is paying off [STOP] Communists seem critically short of ammunition and food [STOP] Sadly we are having logistics problems of our own amongst the mountains on the Eastern side of the country [STOP] However our supplies are flowing in to Inchon where they are needed more [STOP] ROK forces are feeling emboldened and have assaulted back over the Han River and beginning to help secure the flank of SEOUL [STOP] USMC has had success East of the Chungpyong Reservoir but they are at the limit of our logistics trail [STOP] Feeling optimistic we can hold SEOUL but only if we keep up the interdiction of the Communist supply lines [STOP]
May 15th…..1951……SEOUL…..From: HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. I believe the Communist High Tide has been reached and they are receding back Northwards [STOP] SEOUL is under UN control with plenty of reserves in the neighborhood [STOP] The Chinese in the East have retreated back to the Soyang-gang River [STOP] I believe they are trying to shorten their lights to simplify their logistics issues [STOP] UN troops have moved up to maintain contact [STOP] The Chinese wave attacks seem to be diminishing in frequency [STOP] Imperative we keep our own supplies flowing [STOP]
May 31st…..1951……SEOUL…..HQ RIDGEWAY…. To: CinC Truman…. SEOUL is secured in all directions [STOP] Communists Retreating Back to the Imjin River [STOP] We are pretty much back to the 38th Parallel after a year’s blood sweat and toil [STOP] Air power has become increasingly critical to our success [STOP] Sadly we did not have the logistics we ideally needed on the East Coast to follow up our successes on the West [STOP] Fortunately our enemy has been starved of resources across the board [STOP] We will start fortifying our positions in earnest [STOP] I recommend you offer a prisoner of war exchange in order to get some of our boys home [STOP]
My overall take on the game:

The North Korean Strategy was more conservative than in real life. The idea was to push down South but to avoid needless casualties and to garrison all likely invasion points… just in case someone was thinking of doing an Inchon :-) Having a division of North Koreans in addition to a garrison certainly did deter the UN from invading but it also meant that the North Koreans didn’t quite have enough forces to collapse the Pusan Pocket and the port of Pusan was never really in danger (although Taegu certainly was). Denied the possibility of invading, the UN had to gather their strength on the mainland and wait until they had enough supplies to launch an offensive. This was the turning point and the UN forces started to move North about a month later than in real life but without the dangerous seaborne invasion to contend with. I did accidentally create some historical confusion when I misread the Chinese deployment. There are some restricted Chinese reserve locations which I assumed were for when the Chinese achieved a limited intervention. I was wrong on this - it meant you could only put one Chinese division a turn there - which meant the UN forces suddenly found way more Chinese forces on the West of the Korean Peninsular than they had thought. It was actually one of those serendipitous mistakes that allowed me to accidentally recreate the historical precedent of blind panic. The UN were shocked to find far more Chinese divisions barrelling down the roads and plateau of North West Korea than intelligence had suggested :-). There really was a genuine UN crisis and rivers became crucial to their defences - the minus two on a d10 is a huge bonus to the defenders and if you can get some air power in there too - you stand a chance! There were also a few forlorn hope units sent out to act as speed bumps. The problem is the sheer quantity of Chinese divisions which just swamp you - and as soon as there is a hole in the defensive line, the Chinese can swarm down and exploit it and there is a mad panic as you try to recreate a new defensive line further back behind the next river down. The Communists (until the very last stages) did very well on their supply rolls - regularly getting 8s or 9s meaning that they were fighting at full strength even with the UN strategic bombing going on. Only in the last turn and a half did their rolls let them down and defending at half strength is no fun at all. Digging in can limit this pain, but only so much and takes away your tactical flexibility. I can’t think of many games which see-saw to such an extent - really does feel like an elastic band going up and down the peninsular with logistics being the key to victory (as it should be).

I was playing this solo off and on as I could get to it and I think this game is particularly well suited to solitaire play. Logistics sorts out initiative mostly although the UN tend to do better with their supplies in the long run, although the North Koreans get the first few turns free as do the Chinese when they arrive and if it is ever a draw on supply points, the Communists keep initiative - so they were winning initiative more often than not. You then have to roll on a table to see how many units you can activate before your opponent gets to activate. Technically the rate is between 0 and 4 units but I don’t think I ever got 4 for either side! It was usually 1 or 2 and if you were lucky 3. Now, if you were fortunate enough to get 2 or 3 you could come up with some nifty tactical movements like slipping one unit behind an enemy to cut them off from their supplies and doing an all out assault from the front. Or exploit a hole before your enemy has a chance to close it off. So you could really play out both sides honestly with a variable number of activations which kept you honest to find the best combination of attacks or manoeuvres or withdrawals before you get smacked back. They also have 3 kinds of attacks meaning that it can be useful to place units up towards a fatigued enemy unit hoping you get the initiative on him in the next turn and can launch an all out assault (which gives you a +3 on the dice) before he can be reinforced. Indeed neighbouring units are dragged in to combat and so deciding who does the attacking is important - as to how many units help you - and even more importantly how many may help your opponent! Lots of lovely little subtleties.

There is also an important strategic aspect to the game as exemplified by the Global Tension Index (which in my case reached 5 - if it gets to 7 the World War III breaks out and the Communists technically win! For the UN I decided to maximise the UN Reinforcement available from the outset meaning that I got all the UN reinforcements available throughout the game. This though meant that I had to scale back my US mobilisation and Rules of Engagement right back to avoid too many potential Global Tension rises. This meant that I had limited amphibious ability and strategic bombing opportunities for much of the game. It also meant no US National Guard units arrived and neither did I request any Chinese Nationalist forces for the same reason. So I had maximum UN forces but didn’t do much bombing along the Yalu until very late in the game (by which time I knew I was quite safe to let rip and avoid accidentally starting World War III). But I do think morally I would have liked to have taken this course if I were Truman - basically maximise the International support for intervention but not bomb indiscriminately until it was critical to do so (ie when loads of Chinese were threatening to overwhelm your UN forces).

All in all I have to say that I enjoyed this game immensely. I really can’t speak highly enough of its mechanics. It genuinely felt that you were participating in a Cold War turned Hot battle that pitted the Communists against the Capitalist West and there was plenty of squeaky bum time. Ultimately Resolve and logistics were needed to win through and in the end the battle ended much as it did in real life, but you weren’t always convinced that was going to happen and you were mightily relieved when it did! Now, if only Macarthur hadn’t crossed that 38th Parallel in the first place!

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by Stephen Luscombe