Queen's Royal Hussars

Drumhorse and Escort c2004

The regimental drumhorse of the old 3rd Hussars has survived the amalgamations and is now claimed by the QRH as it's own. The drummer in this photo is Trooper David Philpott and the horse is Winston. The throat plume is now garter blue whereas before, when it was in the Queen's Own Hussars the throat plume was an indistinct drab colour. The other visible difference is the addition of red to the busby plume. The escorts used to be staff sergeants but this escort is corporal Lee Miller. He wears the full dress unifom which is still basically the 3rd Hussars uniform but with a red base to the busby plume which has been taken from the former 8th Hussars full dress. His white leather pouch belt has the officer's silver-flapped pouch on the back.

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by Stephen Luscombe