Light Dragoon Trooper 1847

F Stansell, working in the early 20th century, painted this 1847 mounted figure of a private of a light dragoon Troop of the Cheshire Yeomanry. It agrees with the description in Sleigh’s 1850 Yeomanry List in most respects but details of the horse furniture do not correspond. It is not based on any contemporary pictorial evidence and the shako badge is certainly wrong.

Arthur Sleigh’s list of Yeomanry uniforms, dated 1850 has a good description of the Earl of Chester’s Regimental appointments: Light Dragoons, one Troop Hussars. Officers’ uniform: Lace silver. Full dress: blue light dragoon jacket, scarlet facings, silver lace epaulettes, gold sash, blue trousers with oak-leaf silver lace, brass spurs; on shako and sabretache, as the regimental badge, the Earl of Chester’s crest and coronet; gold line, black feather plume, silver pouch and sword-belts. Field Dress: Forage cap, blue frock-coat and scales, Oxford grey trousers with red stripe, white patent leather pouch-belt, black sword belt and sabretache.

Men’s Uniform: Blue Light Dragoon jacket and scarlet facings, white lace (NCOs silver), plated scales, white patent leather pouch-belt, crimson and yellow sash, Oxford mixture trousers with red stripe, chacos with regimental badge. Horse appointments, Officers’: Black hussar bridle, breast-plate and crupper; Hussar saddle, blue shabraque, black sheepskin with scarlet edge. Horse appointments, Men’s: Black double-bitted bridle, old Light Dragoon pattern: ditto head collar and rein; last improved Heavy Dragoon saddle, breast-plate and crupper black; black sheepskin with scarlet edge.

Strength: 10 Quartermasters, 30 sergeants, 30 corporals, 10 trumpeters, 6 farriers, 491 privates.

Regimental Details | Cheshire Yeomanry Uniforms

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by Stephen Luscombe